We'll help you find $10,000 in missing or potential tax deductions for your personal tax returns and or business returns or we'll gift you a $100.
With comprehensive support you’ll never have to worry about an hourly fee.
With a forward-taxation plan and all-year support from your team, you stay focused on building your business.
(No Obligation or Purchase Necessary)
Your accountant will respond to all communication from the IRS regarding any returns they prepared. You’ll spend less time worrying about an audit, so you can focus on growing your business.
Tax planning and preparation should never be just a once-a-year activity. Maximize the financial resources available to your business as it grows. Our tax services aim to reduce the tax you pay over the years
As a partner, Kevin O’Leary endorses only one business tax service – Tax Hive. You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for smart business tax solutions. Independent accountants will work with you to save the maximum allowable in tax, while reducing your risk of an audit. Your team monitors the ever-changing rules of the tax game to help you manage tax risk and opportunities
You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for smart business tax solutions. Independent accountants will work with you to save the maximum allowable in tax, while reducing your risk of an audit. Our team monitors the ever-changing rules of the tax game to help you manage tax risk and opportunities.